First time use
Our tips will help you in the first acquaintance with the menstrual сup.
TAKE YOUR TIME! Perhaps this is the most important thing. It is not necessary to plan an acquaintance during menstruation. It is better to train in advance and be fully prepared on the day of the beginning of menstruation. It is also not necessary to plan any important responsible events during the first use of the menstrual Cup, while you have not yet gained the necessary experience.
USE A WATER-BASED LUBRICANT. Simply rinsing with water may not be enough, use a lubricant.
CHANGE THE DENSITY OF THE BOWL BY CHANGING THE WATER TEMPERATURE. The Cup of softness Sport can be held under warm water and it will become softer. The Classic and Soft Cup can be held under cold water, so it is easier to open.
TRY DIFFERENT WAYS OF FOLDING THE MENSTRUAL CUP. Find the best folding option for yourself, in which the bowl is inserted faster and easier to open. this is a website for the countries of the Eurasian economic Union.
If you are from a country that is not a member of the Eurasian economic Union, you can get more information and buy meluna on the website